I thought of it today...I'll tell you all about it tomorrow!
Over It.
I have always loved this statement. It's fascinating to me that two words could describe so much. What an all encompassing term. It's actually pretty amazing. In any conversation, in any context you can combine these words and it is instantly implied the point you are getting to.
I could elaborate on that point, but I don't really think it's necessary. The thing that is great about being "Over It" is you usually find actual tangible reasons to reinforce your already strong feelings of not feeling. Saying you are "Over It" is the first verbal step in understanding your own personal decision to move on from a thought process or situation that is not something that lines up with what you believe. Then there is the other side to that sword, that you are possibly using being "Over It" as a cover up for actually being not over it. The funny thing abou this second idea is that it is usually coming from the person(s) or situation that you are directly "Over". Hmmm...what an anomaly. Imagine that, the human nature trying to persuade otherwise....
I am here to play devil's advocate.
I rarely use this term in the way others do. I use it in a thought process related manner. Through almost deductive reverse reasoning. It's almost as though when all reasons to not be "Over It" are stripped away, is when you are officially "Over It". Because if there is nothing left to put your efforts and thoughts into, than what are you really accomplishing? What the hell are you really doing?
The point is. You can't always listen to what others want you to think and do, especially on the deepest personal life level, those decisions really are truly up to yourself. In this world of do this, do that, live this way, act like this, don't act like that, conformist, non-conformist, opinion, reality, perception, this is real, that is not real, i am this way, i will not be that way, society is wrong, society is right, spotlight is on you.... We all need to really start thinking more for ourselves, and stop relying so much on others. Make your own life decisions... You really are the one who knows best for yourself. Don't let others tell you that you are or aren't "Over It". Or that you are or aren't anything...can or can't...will or won't...
You decide....
And when you're busy thinking about that, I'll be pushing aside what I am "Over" and focusing on those things that I am NOT quite "Over" yet....because those are the things I want to put my energy and focus into...instead of wasting my time with all the things I've already moved on and away from....
I could elaborate on that point, but I don't really think it's necessary. The thing that is great about being "Over It" is you usually find actual tangible reasons to reinforce your already strong feelings of not feeling. Saying you are "Over It" is the first verbal step in understanding your own personal decision to move on from a thought process or situation that is not something that lines up with what you believe. Then there is the other side to that sword, that you are possibly using being "Over It" as a cover up for actually being not over it. The funny thing abou this second idea is that it is usually coming from the person(s) or situation that you are directly "Over". Hmmm...what an anomaly. Imagine that, the human nature trying to persuade otherwise....
I am here to play devil's advocate.
I rarely use this term in the way others do. I use it in a thought process related manner. Through almost deductive reverse reasoning. It's almost as though when all reasons to not be "Over It" are stripped away, is when you are officially "Over It". Because if there is nothing left to put your efforts and thoughts into, than what are you really accomplishing? What the hell are you really doing?
The point is. You can't always listen to what others want you to think and do, especially on the deepest personal life level, those decisions really are truly up to yourself. In this world of do this, do that, live this way, act like this, don't act like that, conformist, non-conformist, opinion, reality, perception, this is real, that is not real, i am this way, i will not be that way, society is wrong, society is right, spotlight is on you.... We all need to really start thinking more for ourselves, and stop relying so much on others. Make your own life decisions... You really are the one who knows best for yourself. Don't let others tell you that you are or aren't "Over It". Or that you are or aren't anything...can or can't...will or won't...
You decide....
And when you're busy thinking about that, I'll be pushing aside what I am "Over" and focusing on those things that I am NOT quite "Over" yet....because those are the things I want to put my energy and focus into...instead of wasting my time with all the things I've already moved on and away from....
Current State of Affairs.
Tired as shit!
Computer eating my soul. But getting to chill with old and new friends this weekend so it's worth it, goooood times!!
Should be a raging weekend, goodbye sleep, hello tired. :)
It's all good...sleep is just a waste of time anyway! This post was pretty much pointless, but hey, I'm pretty spent right now. Oh well, there will be some substance soon, I swear. On another note, I am so f'ing pumped to hop on my Stepchild Latchkey as soon as I am the proud new owner of one, which is very soon here. I'm seriously going to jib the shit out of that thing. Of course, after I fine tune and refine my jib skills even more than last season, haha. Thanks friends for all your teaching and support, I'd be lost without you. Your help means the world to me!! This season is going to be killer.
Computer eating my soul. But getting to chill with old and new friends this weekend so it's worth it, goooood times!!
Should be a raging weekend, goodbye sleep, hello tired. :)
It's all good...sleep is just a waste of time anyway! This post was pretty much pointless, but hey, I'm pretty spent right now. Oh well, there will be some substance soon, I swear. On another note, I am so f'ing pumped to hop on my Stepchild Latchkey as soon as I am the proud new owner of one, which is very soon here. I'm seriously going to jib the shit out of that thing. Of course, after I fine tune and refine my jib skills even more than last season, haha. Thanks friends for all your teaching and support, I'd be lost without you. Your help means the world to me!! This season is going to be killer.
Tired and Busy.
Hence the reason I have not written anything in the last few days.
The weekend was crazy and long, and I'm just ready to curl up and sleep. Mt. Snow opened on Monday with 7 hikeable features, in NorthEast news. Big things have been in the works in all aspects of life, and I'm ready to sleep until the snow falls and I have a reason to wake back up.
Tiredddd ya'll. I'll do my best to keep posting over the next few days, it's as though I'm a walking zombie lately on autopilot. I'm pretty sure that I'm just being a little bitch about all this, and I should just suck it up. But hey, I seriously have been working my butt off and am exhausted.
At least I'm still finding time to partake in what I enjoy most. Newcastle, how I love thee.

It's time for my face to hit the pillow.
The weekend was crazy and long, and I'm just ready to curl up and sleep. Mt. Snow opened on Monday with 7 hikeable features, in NorthEast news. Big things have been in the works in all aspects of life, and I'm ready to sleep until the snow falls and I have a reason to wake back up.
Tiredddd ya'll. I'll do my best to keep posting over the next few days, it's as though I'm a walking zombie lately on autopilot. I'm pretty sure that I'm just being a little bitch about all this, and I should just suck it up. But hey, I seriously have been working my butt off and am exhausted.
At least I'm still finding time to partake in what I enjoy most. Newcastle, how I love thee.
10.17.08 : Walk to Haunted House : 10:14pm

It's time for my face to hit the pillow.
I have a friend...Upstate. They're rad.
You should check them out and support the local NY snowboard scene!!!
Keep up the good work, I love your style!!! :) You can check em out on myspace HERE.

Small and grassroots. Just how I like it. Keep it local and get down with the cause...support something built and grown by people just like you and me.
You should check them out and support the local NY snowboard scene!!!
Keep up the good work, I love your style!!! :) You can check em out on myspace HERE.

Small and grassroots. Just how I like it. Keep it local and get down with the cause...support something built and grown by people just like you and me.
It's not always rainbows and unicorns in Sarah land.
This is probably the only time you'll see my face not smiling is when I'm up this late staring my computer down with a giant workload, just droning out, or simply just can't sleep.

Computer and life are eating my soul and I need to catch some zzzzzz's.
This is the time of year where seasonal depression is the worst and totally sucks ass. It's that month to two months right before it snows where you know it's around the corner, and you can't stop thinking about it. I always wondered throughout my life why this time of year was some of the best and worst times. Because there's all this excitement about the season starting, but it's just that, excitement. No actual reality. Except in CO, you lucky bastards.
I guess I just need to calm the hell down and watch a bunch of snowboard vids or something.
If only I knew where the switch was to turn my brain off. Oh wait, then I would never stop coming up with all the crazy things I dream up, those things called thoughts and ideas. Some people waste their life away sleeping while going through the motions of life. Walking programmable robots. I spend mine thinking in overdrive. And like so many things in my world...still don't know if that's good or bad. I'm pretty sure it's good. But sometimes can be a killer on the sleeptime!!
I think I came to an ultimate conclusion tonight that I should share before hitting the haystack. There is always reason to question, you should never let those questions hold you back, and you should always keep moving forward at the speed of light. The only people we let hold us back are ourselves. Everyone else is just a distraction. You are the only one in control of your actions, future, destiny. Word to the wise. I've actually always believed this thought process, sometimes it just becomes more and more reinforced through my own and others actions.
That's it, I'm out. Can't wait to wake up in a few hours and sieze the next fabulous day. Hopefully it won't be as long as today's was and with a few less trials and tribulations. :) Oh life, what a fabulous adventure....always learning, always growing.
This is probably the only time you'll see my face not smiling is when I'm up this late staring my computer down with a giant workload, just droning out, or simply just can't sleep.

Computer and life are eating my soul and I need to catch some zzzzzz's.
This is the time of year where seasonal depression is the worst and totally sucks ass. It's that month to two months right before it snows where you know it's around the corner, and you can't stop thinking about it. I always wondered throughout my life why this time of year was some of the best and worst times. Because there's all this excitement about the season starting, but it's just that, excitement. No actual reality. Except in CO, you lucky bastards.
I guess I just need to calm the hell down and watch a bunch of snowboard vids or something.
If only I knew where the switch was to turn my brain off. Oh wait, then I would never stop coming up with all the crazy things I dream up, those things called thoughts and ideas. Some people waste their life away sleeping while going through the motions of life. Walking programmable robots. I spend mine thinking in overdrive. And like so many things in my world...still don't know if that's good or bad. I'm pretty sure it's good. But sometimes can be a killer on the sleeptime!!
I think I came to an ultimate conclusion tonight that I should share before hitting the haystack. There is always reason to question, you should never let those questions hold you back, and you should always keep moving forward at the speed of light. The only people we let hold us back are ourselves. Everyone else is just a distraction. You are the only one in control of your actions, future, destiny. Word to the wise. I've actually always believed this thought process, sometimes it just becomes more and more reinforced through my own and others actions.
That's it, I'm out. Can't wait to wake up in a few hours and sieze the next fabulous day. Hopefully it won't be as long as today's was and with a few less trials and tribulations. :) Oh life, what a fabulous adventure....always learning, always growing.
Chronicles of Riché.
I couldn't resist...
One of my best friends, old roommate, Rome Snowboards advocate, life coach, awesome travel companion and one of my favorite people to snowboard with....Riché....he truly lives the life of a rockstar...I thought you all might enjoy sharing some of those moments...
Photobooth, nuff said.
Those shorts should've been shorter.
Rich enjoys pondering all of life's intricacies.
"Ugliest Face" contest, not the winner!!
Sneak shot, drive to Mt. Snow, November 13th, 2007, first riding day of the season.
Bug Jar, again and again.
Good luck in SLC this season, old friend. I'm gonna save my plinko chips to try and come shred with you guys. Since all of Rochester has pretty much transplanted to the West Coast.
If not, I'll see you at Hood next summer, for sure!
Oh, and if you end up hating SLC *doubt it*, you can always come back to the comforts of Park Avenue, I got lots of organic tea, vegetarian spring rolls and fried rice just waiting for you!!! Haha.
Good luck on your life adventures, I'll miss you around for the little random experiences of life!!!
More good memories are still to be made....
One of my best friends, old roommate, Rome Snowboards advocate, life coach, awesome travel companion and one of my favorite people to snowboard with....Riché....he truly lives the life of a rockstar...I thought you all might enjoy sharing some of those moments...

Good luck in SLC this season, old friend. I'm gonna save my plinko chips to try and come shred with you guys. Since all of Rochester has pretty much transplanted to the West Coast.
If not, I'll see you at Hood next summer, for sure!
Oh, and if you end up hating SLC *doubt it*, you can always come back to the comforts of Park Avenue, I got lots of organic tea, vegetarian spring rolls and fried rice just waiting for you!!! Haha.
Good luck on your life adventures, I'll miss you around for the little random experiences of life!!!
More good memories are still to be made....
Ride Party at Hunter Mtn.
Last year this event was killer.
Was lucky enough to sneak out of work for a day to make the trek to Hunter to ride and hang with everyone. Being somewhat "fresh meat" at that point, my liver was still in training.
Upon arriving at the afterparty met up with a bunch of good friends and made some new ones and proceeded to get rowdy. I think it's just the fact of catching up with old friends that makes it enjoyable to get so wild. Although, I have been known to push all limits and boundaries, that's just pretty synonymous with who I am. I'm still learning...always learning...
Was going through my photos on my comp and found this one....haha...which is what sparked up memories to inspire this post...

What a crazy night!
I will quote a friend of mine who summarized my actions and interactions that night...."You definitely affected a lot of lives". Emphasis on the definitely. Hmmm....I'm still trying to figure out if that is good or bad!!
I'll just take it as good and roll with the punches, haha. Thanks Patrick for one killer party. You and your crew always know how to get down!!!
Was lucky enough to sneak out of work for a day to make the trek to Hunter to ride and hang with everyone. Being somewhat "fresh meat" at that point, my liver was still in training.
Upon arriving at the afterparty met up with a bunch of good friends and made some new ones and proceeded to get rowdy. I think it's just the fact of catching up with old friends that makes it enjoyable to get so wild. Although, I have been known to push all limits and boundaries, that's just pretty synonymous with who I am. I'm still learning...always learning...
Was going through my photos on my comp and found this one....haha...which is what sparked up memories to inspire this post...

What a crazy night!
I will quote a friend of mine who summarized my actions and interactions that night...."You definitely affected a lot of lives". Emphasis on the definitely. Hmmm....I'm still trying to figure out if that is good or bad!!
I'll just take it as good and roll with the punches, haha. Thanks Patrick for one killer party. You and your crew always know how to get down!!!
Less Tired, Still Sick.
Feeling slightly better...

This is the signature face I make when I'm not sure what the hell is going on. Or in between thoughts. This one is called being in between being sick and starting to reenter the mischievous realm.
I'll be drinking lots of Echinaecha tea tomorrow nursing myself even more back to health.
Le sigh.
I hate being sick. But I love getting taken care of!!! Thanks to all those who showed their love by not making me all crazy and instead taking care of me, I love my friends. Next time any of you are sick, it's all of your turns.
10.13.08 : 8:31pm

This is the signature face I make when I'm not sure what the hell is going on. Or in between thoughts. This one is called being in between being sick and starting to reenter the mischievous realm.
I'll be drinking lots of Echinaecha tea tomorrow nursing myself even more back to health.
Le sigh.
I hate being sick. But I love getting taken care of!!! Thanks to all those who showed their love by not making me all crazy and instead taking care of me, I love my friends. Next time any of you are sick, it's all of your turns.
Dome Sale & Afterparty.
I nixed my old compiled post about the sale and decided to go a little more straight to the point...
Sale was rad, thanks to everyone who came out and showed us the support!! I got to talk to a lot of friends and customers from in the shop, and saw some new faces too. Hope you all come visit us in the shop throughout this season!!!
Big ups and thanks to the pros that made it out, specifically the ones I got to chat with and share stories about life....Mikey LeBlanc, Hannah Teter, Todd Richards, Louis-Felix Paradis, Tim Humphreys, and Max Baillargeon. You guys and gal all rule for making the trek to our event.
Also thanks to the reps who brought out their athletes...Patrick Lawrence, Sean Pearsalls, Susie Steck, Tim & Gillian Brennan, and Adam Kiliszek. We appreciate your support.
I'll just straight shoot this as highlights from the night...
First off, Mikey is always a pleasure to hang out with. We always tend to have the most interesting and pivotal life conversations. You're an exploding burst of energy too Mikey, haha, and no I will not do any shots in our hanging outs again in the future...holy crap. They are always the demise of my evening, haha. Seriously though, such a fun time. I am truly honored and thankful to have such a good friend to share such nice experiences and talks with. You know when you have good connections with certain people because when you don't see each other or talk very often, but when you do see each other again, it's like you never skipped a beat. And seriously, next time you're in Toronto, call up my friend Ariel, he'll take good care of you and your crew and show you guys some spots. Word. Until next time! Ride party at Hunter in December?
Todd was super rad. We didn't get to chat that much, but from what we did talk he seemed like a super nice guy. It was awesome to put a personality to the photos and snowboarding I have been watching for over the last decade. Thanks so much Todd for coming out and showing your support. I am super stoked on Omatic and wish you and your crew nothing but the best. I rode the Wig Out for like half the season last year and that board crushed it, absolutely loved it. If my good friend from SLC ever gets his footage together, I'll send you a little spring riding clip of us having fun playing around, of which the whole day was spent on that board. I know everyone has heard that one a million times, I don't have the footage....grrrrr, haha.
Hannah, SO SWEET!!! Seriously just a very nice and down to earth badass shred chic. I'm so stoked I got the opportunity to meet her and it was super fun getting to chat briefly. Stoked on 'Hannah's Gold' too. Hope your travels to VT after our event went well, and we hope you had a great time!! I remember when Susie said you could make it out, and we were stoked to have a female rider come represent. Myself especially, for the obvious reasons, haha. Keep on killing it!!!
Tim Humphreys, you are one hilarious dude. We got to share some good conversation as well. I liked when we were talking about how when you accomplish a certain trick or feature through the season, like a major accomplishment, and then when you come back the next season...think to yourself, damn, did i really do that, and can i do it again?! Haha. So true. But you know what? Your riding is proof that you're killing it over and over and just keep pushing progression. Keep up all the good work. Wish you nothing but the best!!!
Louis-Felix Paradis & Max Baillargeon have amazing french accents. I'm sorry, but that's just plain hot. Everybody that knows me knows that I don't get star struck (those days are long long gone, probably after I met Bam Margera in like '98), but I do have a soft spot for accents. Haha. Anyway, in all seriousness these two were great to have at our event. Super friendly and just great attitudes. Not to mention their riding both destroys. Louif has a killer part in Transworld's 'These Days' video, and Max is also crushing it with Sugar Shack in 'Pleasure Inc'. Keep up the great work and congrats on all your successes this far!!!
We hope all of you are able to make it back out next year as well!!! Also a big thank you to all the ski athletes that were able to make it: Tanner Hall, Daron Rahlves, Tommy Moe, Ahmet Dadali, Tim Russell, Mike Clarke, Eric Pollard, Andy Mahre, and Sage Cattabriga-Alosa. You guys were also all so super nice!
I think that's about it...here's some photos from some reps...they're only from the actual sale and none from the afterparty...I think everyone was too busy at the afterparty....staying busy....haha. Enjoy!
My good friend Nick and his girlfriend stoked on their new Omatic decks!! Have fun in CO next year you two!!!
Apparently giving away free mustaches makes Tim sleepy.
One thing I realized that's great about autograph signings, a bunch of people with sharpies = lots of silly drawings. There's more where this came from...
Tim, stoked on giving away some free mustaches!!! Kids, also stoked?! Haha.
Until next time....thanks again everyone for helping to make this great! Big thank you to Gary and Vicki who made this all possible. You're like the ski parents that I never had and always wanted.
Until next year....or the next major epic event this year....hold onto those crazy memories. There will be many more to be made soon!!!
Sale was rad, thanks to everyone who came out and showed us the support!! I got to talk to a lot of friends and customers from in the shop, and saw some new faces too. Hope you all come visit us in the shop throughout this season!!!
Big ups and thanks to the pros that made it out, specifically the ones I got to chat with and share stories about life....Mikey LeBlanc, Hannah Teter, Todd Richards, Louis-Felix Paradis, Tim Humphreys, and Max Baillargeon. You guys and gal all rule for making the trek to our event.
Also thanks to the reps who brought out their athletes...Patrick Lawrence, Sean Pearsalls, Susie Steck, Tim & Gillian Brennan, and Adam Kiliszek. We appreciate your support.
I'll just straight shoot this as highlights from the night...
First off, Mikey is always a pleasure to hang out with. We always tend to have the most interesting and pivotal life conversations. You're an exploding burst of energy too Mikey, haha, and no I will not do any shots in our hanging outs again in the future...holy crap. They are always the demise of my evening, haha. Seriously though, such a fun time. I am truly honored and thankful to have such a good friend to share such nice experiences and talks with. You know when you have good connections with certain people because when you don't see each other or talk very often, but when you do see each other again, it's like you never skipped a beat. And seriously, next time you're in Toronto, call up my friend Ariel, he'll take good care of you and your crew and show you guys some spots. Word. Until next time! Ride party at Hunter in December?
Todd was super rad. We didn't get to chat that much, but from what we did talk he seemed like a super nice guy. It was awesome to put a personality to the photos and snowboarding I have been watching for over the last decade. Thanks so much Todd for coming out and showing your support. I am super stoked on Omatic and wish you and your crew nothing but the best. I rode the Wig Out for like half the season last year and that board crushed it, absolutely loved it. If my good friend from SLC ever gets his footage together, I'll send you a little spring riding clip of us having fun playing around, of which the whole day was spent on that board. I know everyone has heard that one a million times, I don't have the footage....grrrrr, haha.
Hannah, SO SWEET!!! Seriously just a very nice and down to earth badass shred chic. I'm so stoked I got the opportunity to meet her and it was super fun getting to chat briefly. Stoked on 'Hannah's Gold' too. Hope your travels to VT after our event went well, and we hope you had a great time!! I remember when Susie said you could make it out, and we were stoked to have a female rider come represent. Myself especially, for the obvious reasons, haha. Keep on killing it!!!
Tim Humphreys, you are one hilarious dude. We got to share some good conversation as well. I liked when we were talking about how when you accomplish a certain trick or feature through the season, like a major accomplishment, and then when you come back the next season...think to yourself, damn, did i really do that, and can i do it again?! Haha. So true. But you know what? Your riding is proof that you're killing it over and over and just keep pushing progression. Keep up all the good work. Wish you nothing but the best!!!
Louis-Felix Paradis & Max Baillargeon have amazing french accents. I'm sorry, but that's just plain hot. Everybody that knows me knows that I don't get star struck (those days are long long gone, probably after I met Bam Margera in like '98), but I do have a soft spot for accents. Haha. Anyway, in all seriousness these two were great to have at our event. Super friendly and just great attitudes. Not to mention their riding both destroys. Louif has a killer part in Transworld's 'These Days' video, and Max is also crushing it with Sugar Shack in 'Pleasure Inc'. Keep up the great work and congrats on all your successes this far!!!
We hope all of you are able to make it back out next year as well!!! Also a big thank you to all the ski athletes that were able to make it: Tanner Hall, Daron Rahlves, Tommy Moe, Ahmet Dadali, Tim Russell, Mike Clarke, Eric Pollard, Andy Mahre, and Sage Cattabriga-Alosa. You guys were also all so super nice!
I think that's about it...here's some photos from some reps...they're only from the actual sale and none from the afterparty...I think everyone was too busy at the afterparty....staying busy....haha. Enjoy!

Until next year....or the next major epic event this year....hold onto those crazy memories. There will be many more to be made soon!!!
I hate the fact that people would steal off any site, especially one as stupid and mundane as mine, or anyone else's pointless blogs about life...but hey, you can't be too paranoid on the internet these days.
Watermark your photogs, it's the only way to be truly sure that it doesn't get snagged and used without your credit. And don't just put that crap in the corner, because that can easily be cut out of the picture...duh.
Haha, just a little word to the wise. And on a side note, if you have a bunch of sweet photos and are always posting them up, why not make a logo watermark to throw on that shiz so everyone know's what's up with who's shooting the sweet ass shots.
Just ideas to be shared....and just sharin the love. Watermark your shit.
Watermark your photogs, it's the only way to be truly sure that it doesn't get snagged and used without your credit. And don't just put that crap in the corner, because that can easily be cut out of the picture...duh.
Haha, just a little word to the wise. And on a side note, if you have a bunch of sweet photos and are always posting them up, why not make a logo watermark to throw on that shiz so everyone know's what's up with who's shooting the sweet ass shots.
Just ideas to be shared....and just sharin the love. Watermark your shit.
Sick, Tired, & Grumpy.
All of the above.

Someone come take care of me, I've been coughing all day and my throat is killing me!!
One of my fellow workers said to me today that when he stops and has a break the same thing happens to him....gets sick. Maybe I should just stop taking days off...I think that may be the solution!
Haha, NOT.
Seriously, I'm in need of some TLC over here...come give me some pwease! :) And whoever comes to my rescue, make sure you bring some Anti-Oxidant Organic Tea. Haha.
I'll be here nursing myself back to health in my comfy bed.
11:02pm : 10/12/08

Someone come take care of me, I've been coughing all day and my throat is killing me!!
One of my fellow workers said to me today that when he stops and has a break the same thing happens to him....gets sick. Maybe I should just stop taking days off...I think that may be the solution!
Haha, NOT.
Seriously, I'm in need of some TLC over here...come give me some pwease! :) And whoever comes to my rescue, make sure you bring some Anti-Oxidant Organic Tea. Haha.
I'll be here nursing myself back to health in my comfy bed.
Red Bull Trick or Treat Jam.
Click the above flyer to view larger.
Here's a link with a few more details: CLICK HERE.
WORD UP YO. Just showing the friends some support. Go to this event, was there last year and it was KILLER.
Keep it up Chris and Mike, you guys have a great thing going. See you on the 25th.
Fall Fest in Eville.
Sorry friends, had to come back home and couldn't make it down there.
Don't forget, Eville is 2hrs 48mins from ROC.
Party it up for me, I'll be thinking of all you crazies!! Sorry I couldn't come out!!! Especially to my good friend who is back home from CO!!! Guess we'll have to work a visit in some other time this season, darnit!
Don't forget, Eville is 2hrs 48mins from ROC.
Party it up for me, I'll be thinking of all you crazies!! Sorry I couldn't come out!!! Especially to my good friend who is back home from CO!!! Guess we'll have to work a visit in some other time this season, darnit!
Last night was a SUPER fun time.
First off, shout out to the locals. Chris Naugle of Phatman for having a killer premiere of both Phatman's shop video Here and There and Travis Rice's That's It, That's All (which was epic by the way) and just being a great host in general, coming to B-lo is worth it just to hang with you and your crew!!! Mark Dangler for doing such an excellent job filming and editing Here and There and for just being a rockstar in general, hope you had a great birthday and we saw you off to SLC the right way, safe travels!!! Josh Greene, Pat Morgan, and Tim Keller for always helping throw killer events, you guys are great, good luck with Trick or Treat Jam, I'll be seeing you there for sure, and after that Josh you can relax and breathe, keep up the good work!!!! Ben Farrell for having such excellent conversations with me, your head and heart are SO in the right place, it's always nice to meet people who I can say that about :) Good luck in SLC this season, and your video part killed it, I'm gonna try my best to come shred with you guys, I promise!!! Frank, you rule! The rest of the Phatman crew that I got to chat with, it was nice meeting you all, and we're gonna come check your events out at KB this season for sure. Pete, Steve (email me!), Hans, Ricky, Cody, and so many others who's names I didn't get or forgot....thanks for showing us ROC shreddies how you get it done in B-lo. Always a pleasure.
On the real, last night was amazing because it's nights like that that really re-instill my faith into the human race, and the snowboard community. Too many good conversations to count, many good laughs and smiles, and just fun times. There was some dramas after the event, stupid people with drunk egos, get over yourselves and learn some respect for others. But all in all, my night went quite well and I was stoked on the vibe.
Thank YOU everyone who I shared a laugh, chat, smile, beer, life story, high five, low five, snowboard story, hug, and of course just plain ole experiences with.
Oh, and to the kid that passed out snoring loud as hell on the living room floor...I totally put my stinky sock on your face. HA!
Until next time...
OH, and I'm still working on getting a digital camera, I know, I suck. I'll snag some photos from someone after they're posted and put em up with photo credits. I'm sure there are some GOOD ones floating out there just waiting to be uploaded!!! WORD.
First off, shout out to the locals. Chris Naugle of Phatman for having a killer premiere of both Phatman's shop video Here and There and Travis Rice's That's It, That's All (which was epic by the way) and just being a great host in general, coming to B-lo is worth it just to hang with you and your crew!!! Mark Dangler for doing such an excellent job filming and editing Here and There and for just being a rockstar in general, hope you had a great birthday and we saw you off to SLC the right way, safe travels!!! Josh Greene, Pat Morgan, and Tim Keller for always helping throw killer events, you guys are great, good luck with Trick or Treat Jam, I'll be seeing you there for sure, and after that Josh you can relax and breathe, keep up the good work!!!! Ben Farrell for having such excellent conversations with me, your head and heart are SO in the right place, it's always nice to meet people who I can say that about :) Good luck in SLC this season, and your video part killed it, I'm gonna try my best to come shred with you guys, I promise!!! Frank, you rule! The rest of the Phatman crew that I got to chat with, it was nice meeting you all, and we're gonna come check your events out at KB this season for sure. Pete, Steve (email me!), Hans, Ricky, Cody, and so many others who's names I didn't get or forgot....thanks for showing us ROC shreddies how you get it done in B-lo. Always a pleasure.
On the real, last night was amazing because it's nights like that that really re-instill my faith into the human race, and the snowboard community. Too many good conversations to count, many good laughs and smiles, and just fun times. There was some dramas after the event, stupid people with drunk egos, get over yourselves and learn some respect for others. But all in all, my night went quite well and I was stoked on the vibe.
Thank YOU everyone who I shared a laugh, chat, smile, beer, life story, high five, low five, snowboard story, hug, and of course just plain ole experiences with.
Oh, and to the kid that passed out snoring loud as hell on the living room floor...I totally put my stinky sock on your face. HA!
Until next time...
OH, and I'm still working on getting a digital camera, I know, I suck. I'll snag some photos from someone after they're posted and put em up with photo credits. I'm sure there are some GOOD ones floating out there just waiting to be uploaded!!! WORD.
Here and There Teaser:
This just about sums it up....

Also still working on that Dome Sale post...Haha. Probably won't even get to it til this weekend or early next week.
Would like to give a shout out to the Flow Snowboarding "Flog" that gave us some sweet ass props!!! Thanks so much guys!!!! Check out their post HERE.
Phatman "That's It, That's All" Travis Rice video premiere in Buffalo tomorrow, and some potential summer shredding on Saturday. Oh how ESL saves many a ROC city riders summer.
Oh, and they're also premiering their shop video, "Here and There". YEAH Mark Dangler!!
I love showing my support for all the fabulous things going on around me.
See you in Buffalo, er, Lockport tomorrow whoever is going!!

Also still working on that Dome Sale post...Haha. Probably won't even get to it til this weekend or early next week.
Would like to give a shout out to the Flow Snowboarding "Flog" that gave us some sweet ass props!!! Thanks so much guys!!!! Check out their post HERE.
Phatman "That's It, That's All" Travis Rice video premiere in Buffalo tomorrow, and some potential summer shredding on Saturday. Oh how ESL saves many a ROC city riders summer.
Oh, and they're also premiering their shop video, "Here and There". YEAH Mark Dangler!!
I love showing my support for all the fabulous things going on around me.
See you in Buffalo, er, Lockport tomorrow whoever is going!!
All I Wanna Do Is ROCK.
But I can't, because everytime I reach for my car stereo I get this, which is missing a very important component....

And seriously, was it really necessary to break my heater knobs off too!??!!
Oh how I love Monroe Ave. Beware Bug Jar goers of the parking lot across the street. Used to be safe, guess not so much anymore!!

And seriously, was it really necessary to break my heater knobs off too!??!!
Oh how I love Monroe Ave. Beware Bug Jar goers of the parking lot across the street. Used to be safe, guess not so much anymore!!
Dome Sale.
Still working on a post about the Dome Sale that's been about 4 days in the making.
Be patient, it'll happen sooooon, hopefully later tonight.
Shit has just been crazy hectic!!! Recovering from the insane afterparty, and getting the shop back in order.
On the other hand...Stepchild decks are on their way. Should be in the shop by the end of the week.
Check em out here: Stepchild Snowboards
Pretty stoked on their stuff!!! All you shreddies from this area that have been asking me questions about em, stop in and check it out.
Also, a HUGE thank you to everyone who made it out to the sale and afterparty. We were so stoked you all could make it and we hope we showed you all a good time!!! Next year will be even more insane, that is for sure!!...
Thanks again everyone!!!
Be patient, it'll happen sooooon, hopefully later tonight.
Shit has just been crazy hectic!!! Recovering from the insane afterparty, and getting the shop back in order.
On the other hand...Stepchild decks are on their way. Should be in the shop by the end of the week.
Check em out here: Stepchild Snowboards
Pretty stoked on their stuff!!! All you shreddies from this area that have been asking me questions about em, stop in and check it out.
Also, a HUGE thank you to everyone who made it out to the sale and afterparty. We were so stoked you all could make it and we hope we showed you all a good time!!! Next year will be even more insane, that is for sure!!...
Thanks again everyone!!!
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