This is probably the only time you'll see my face not smiling is when I'm up this late staring my computer down with a giant workload, just droning out, or simply just can't sleep.

Computer and life are eating my soul and I need to catch some zzzzzz's.
This is the time of year where seasonal depression is the worst and totally sucks ass. It's that month to two months right before it snows where you know it's around the corner, and you can't stop thinking about it. I always wondered throughout my life why this time of year was some of the best and worst times. Because there's all this excitement about the season starting, but it's just that, excitement. No actual reality. Except in CO, you lucky bastards.
I guess I just need to calm the hell down and watch a bunch of snowboard vids or something.
If only I knew where the switch was to turn my brain off. Oh wait, then I would never stop coming up with all the crazy things I dream up, those things called thoughts and ideas. Some people waste their life away sleeping while going through the motions of life. Walking programmable robots. I spend mine thinking in overdrive. And like so many things in my world...still don't know if that's good or bad. I'm pretty sure it's good. But sometimes can be a killer on the sleeptime!!
I think I came to an ultimate conclusion tonight that I should share before hitting the haystack. There is always reason to question, you should never let those questions hold you back, and you should always keep moving forward at the speed of light. The only people we let hold us back are ourselves. Everyone else is just a distraction. You are the only one in control of your actions, future, destiny. Word to the wise. I've actually always believed this thought process, sometimes it just becomes more and more reinforced through my own and others actions.
That's it, I'm out. Can't wait to wake up in a few hours and sieze the next fabulous day. Hopefully it won't be as long as today's was and with a few less trials and tribulations. :) Oh life, what a fabulous adventure....always learning, always growing.
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